If you believe that you are at the mercy of
your genetic code, great news, you’re not. According to the science of
epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA
influence changes in gene expression), stem cells and even DNA can be
altered through magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states
and intention. Top scientists around the world agree: genetic
determinism is a flawed theory.
Soo how can this be done ?!
Curbing the genetic victim mentality
The DNA we are born with is not the sole
determinant for our health and well-being. Stem cell biologist Bruce
Lipton, Ph.D., discusses the important difference between genetic
determinism and epigenetics in an interview with Super Consciousness magazine:
“The difference between these two is
significant because this fundamental belief called genetic determinism
literally means that our lives, which are defined as our physical,
physiological and emotional behavioral traits, are controlled by the
genetic code. This kind of belief system provides a visual picture of
people being victims: If the genes control our life function, then our
lives are being controlled by things outside of our ability to change
them. This leads to victimization that the illnesses and diseases that
run in families are propagated through the passing of genes associated
with those attributes. Laboratory evidence shows this is not true.”
Changing DNA through intention
According to the Institute of HeartMath in
Boulder Creek, California, epigenetics encompasses far more than just
DNA, our environment and life experience. After two decades of study,
the researchers discovered factors like love and appreciation or anxiety
and anger also influence a person’s blueprint. In one experiment,
select participants were able to change DNA with positive mental states.
An individual holding three DNA samples was directed to
generate heart coherence – a beneficial state of mental, emotional and
physical balance and harmony – with the aid of a HeartMath technique
that utilizes heart breathing and intentional positive emotions. The
individual succeeded, as instructed, to intentionally and simultaneously
unwind two of the DNA samples to different extents and leave the third
Control group volunteers who had low heart coherence were unable to alter the DNA.
Healthy cell expression and a quantum nutrient diet
If we want to nourish our bodies at a
cellular level (and not promote disease), the institute recommends an
abundant diet of quantum nutrients. When we are stressed or negative,
our biological energy reserves are diverted from the important task of
regenerating and repairing the body. We can counteract this cellular
starvation by focusing on genuine states of care, appreciation and love.
These positive emotions enhance our energy system and feed the body,
even down to the level of DNA. HeartMath calls such positive feelings
“quantum nutrients.”
The institute offers several free tools that assist in creating a coherent state quickly and easily. Two examples can be found here and here.
Search Results
and if that isn't enough:
“Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
This suggests that experiences are somehow transferred from the brain into the genome, allowing them to be passed on to later generations.

They also want to explore whether similar effects can be seen in the genes of humans.
Thinking that this is what causes life evolution, by taking experiences passed throud generations changing our DNA...
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