The different between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind

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you must have heard of the theory of the right-left brain,it suggest that the left side brain isthe one processing language capabilities,thinks linearly,and is logical when the right brain is intuitive and creative,over sensitive,and the source of emotion...i think as many do, that this is a myth and over-simplificated theory,the experiences leading to this theory where on subjects who had the left and right sides of their surgically disconnected for medical reasons, but in normal people there is always considerable feedback between both sides,also in special cases one side can acquire the capabilities of the other
and this is why i'm not using this model, we will consider the'triune model' of the brain (developed by dr.paul maclean) this model is based on three stages
of evolution...the reptilian,mammalian
 and cortex 


the reptilian brain or the brain stem, stopped changing 250 million years ago.
our reptilian brain is essentially the same as all reptiles,involuntary,impulsive,compulsive,action-reaction contains programmed responses that are rigid, it's the paranoid overprotecting is very useful,kipping eyes from predators, totally self preservation brain this part dont learn...i mean you dont learn to feel pain or to just tends to repeat its programmed behavior over and controls the basic functions necessary of life,heart rate,breathing,fighting,fleeing,feeding,and reproduction.. it have no feelings, only functions to survive....

paleo mammalian:

the mammalian brain evolved about 50 million years ago..we share
this brain with all the mammals,this part of brain contains feeling
and emotions,it is playful and the source of maternal care
mammals tend to their young,emotional intelligence..the source of
emotions and derives information in terms of feelings, derives its
value system by experience,experience with emotional impact 
but it is inarticulate in communicating these feelings to the conscious mind..

Cerebral cortex:

the third stage of is the conscious part of the mind
as cart jung,the famous psychiatrist announce : the cortex is the
special thing about us,it is about 40.000 years old and still
evolving,other thinking it is older...i do...but no prove...
this brain don't start develop until about age three and not fully
developed until about 20 years of age,The cerebral cortex plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness

soo as we can see the subconscious mind makes up an estimated 92% ( mammalian and reptilian)
of the total brain. The conscious mind comprises the remaining 8%.  the conscious mind is puny compared to the subconscious mind.

This late development of the cortex is one reason we have so many negative and counterproductive programs in our subconscious mind. When the emotional part of our brain was developing in the early years of our lives, we did not have develped consciouns mind to filter out negative programs and select positive ones we will need as adults. To make it worse, we are not aware of most of these programs now because they were developed at such an early age we have no conscious memory of them.but they are there the probleme is not in your memorie it's your recall...
In contrast to the subconscious mind, which evolves its system through emotions, the conscious mind evolves its system through rational interpretation of experience.
Because of these vast differences, the three brains are often working against each other, and that what creat the classical war between the heart and the brain,
emotion vs reason...

The well and the power:

Importantly the conscious mind has will. Will is the ability of the conscious mind to direct a thought or action. Will supplies the direction of your thinking. Human beings have free stand, go around,consciously left and move things from place to an other,etc......
and  the subconscious mind have the power An article in Psychology Today, August 1974, stated that, “...we discovered the brain is a source of electrical energy; it can do electrical work.”  This energy in the subconscious mind is inexhaustible; Your brain produces about 25 watts of power.
functions 24-hours-a-day, all of your life. subconscious mind transmits this energy as urges, emotions,impulses, nervous twitches, etc.....
Coué said, “When will and imagination are in conflict, imagination always wins.” That is to say, when the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are in conflict, the subconscious mind always wins. The subconscious mind wins because it has the power (it has electrical and chemical power), and it is bigger.

so are we always slaved to our basic animals?,the conscious mind can't ever will the subconscious to do something or control it, it just don't have the power,the subconscioun mind will dominate,but there is a short cut ?? a way to programe and use it to our advantage?? 


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